Why should you train with a weight vest?

Those who are familiar enough with or interested in the world of exercise have probably heard of the weight vest. Basically, it’s a vest with pockets and an interior that are stuffed to carry extra weight. The most common models are those weighing between 10 and 15 and 20 kilograms, but there are also models with a lower weight, designed mainly for women. If you want to exercise more effectively, a weight vest is an excellent option.

Why is a weight vest useful?

If you find your workouts monotonous and want to increase the resistance or intensity of your workouts, you may want to consider getting a weight vest. Of course, one that suits your physical condition. By getting a workout vest, you can make your workouts much more intense and varied.

You won’t have to carry and lift dumbbells and kettlebells, as you’ll be wearing them on your person. This way, your whole body works. The general rule for weight vests is that they should not exceed four to ten percent of your own body weight. You can deviate from this, but it is your own responsibility.

The point of a weight vest is that you can carry extra weight, which also means you are challenging your body. As the intensity of the workout increases, you burn more calories, which helps you reach your weight loss goal as quickly as possible.

However, many people fear that they will also lose muscle in the process. Strength training is the best way to prevent this. A weight vest is an excellent way to work the muscles and thus strengthen them.

In addition to strength training, endurance athletes can also benefit from the use of this sports equipment. As we have already stressed above, it is important to choose the right weight vest and to be gradual so that the end of the workout is not an injury but an increase in performance.

Last but not least, the sense of balance can also be improved by wearing a weight vest. If you can stand and move with stability while carrying a heavier weight, it will be even easier without the weight. In case you are looking to buy a weight vest, you should visit the gymstore.hu online store, where you will surely find what you are looking for in the quality and wide range of products.

The source of this article is sportour.hu online magazine.